Intelligent Teckentrup CarTeck garage door drives are made in Germany and universally suitable for sectional doors and up-and-over doors. Thanks to optimised speed profiles they open and close quickly. The motor carriage moves along a tensioned chain so that neither friction nor strength is lost, as would be the case with circulating chains. With an electric garage door drive, you can open and close your garage door conveniently from inside the car. This is especially advantageous when the weather is poor or it is dark: Whether its summer or winter, the inconvenience of opening the garage door by hand at night in heavy rain or snowfall is now a thing of the past! You also save valuable time when you are in a hurry: Whenever you would like to leave the house, simply get in your car and drive off directly, and when you are on the way home you can conveniently park your car in your garage without any intermediate stops. Your garage door closes with the push of a button via radio technology, smoothly and without a sound. Garage door drives provide the maximum convenience and additional quality of life by increasing comfort at home, something that people with limited mobility value. The option of automatic control through a high-quality garage door drive is therefore a basic component of a barrier-free home! Rely on maximum security for minimal wear with our new garage door drives,
Automatic shut-off stops the door immediately if obstacles are present
Active counter pressure when the gate is forcibly levered open
Running speed of up to 240 mm / sec
Reduction of heat loss through fast opening and closing
Simple assembly: click into the rail without screwing
Clever accessories: protection against break-ins, mold and paint damage
Today, a majority of garage doors are equipped with an electric drive. Teckentrup garage door drives can be coupled with a number of garage doors, thus providing a solution for almost every garage. The benefits of an electrically driven garage door are obvious. Using the provided handheld transmitter, the garage door can be opened from the car without having to get out. This is especially beneficial when it is raining or cold. In addition, the garage door drive can be upgraded with a number of additional components. This creates an opportunity to equip the garage door with additional security elements such as photocells or install a radio code keypad on the garage wall with which the garage door will conveniently open after entering the number combination. Another advantage of an electrically driven garage door is the anti-burglary protection. The garage door drive makes it very difficult for burglars because the garage door is held in place by the garage drive. If your are interested in our garage door drive and accessories, contact us and let us tell you more. Together with a specialist retailer near you, you can clarify which garage door drive fits which sectional garage door in order to ensure the maximum safety with respect to the opening and closing mechanism and to have all components properly installed and programmed for high-performance results. With Teckentrup, you are buying the highest quality garage door drives and can rely on our excellent service.
Energy-saving through up to <1 watt consumption in standby mode (depending on model)
For example alarm buzzer, moisture sensors or additional LED lighting and many other options for expansion according to your personal requirements
Innovative drives for the affordable entry level or the premium segment, each suitable for your personal requirements
With our new CarTeck DRIVE 600/800 pro +, we are now offering a solution with which our garage doors can also be used in small and special structural conditions. This is made possible by the wall mounting of the control housing and the lower insertion depth. The separate control housing, which increases both flexibility and convenience, is particularly advantageous. Our tried and tested accessories can also be used to their full extent on this drive.
up to 180 mm / sec.
up to 180 mm / sec
500 Newton metres
Pre-programmed 2-command handheld transmitter that executes two programmed commands
Basic drive lighting with 3 LED lamps
230V AC, control voltage 24V DC
Power consumption of energy
saving mode: < 3,0 W
after S3: 40 %
Connection options for add-ons
max. 240 mm / sec. (DRIVE 600)
max. 210 mm / sec. (DRIVE 800)
up to zu 240 mm / sec. (DRIVE 600)
up to 210 mm / sec. (DRIVE 800)
600 Newton meters (DRIVE 600)
800 Newton meters (DRIVE 800)
Pre-programmed 4-command handheld transmitter that executes up to four programmed commands such as additional lighting or ventilation width (ventilation position) functions
Double the brightness with 6 LED lamps,
Connection option Lumi+
230V AC, control voltage 24V DC
Power consumption of energy
saving mode: < 1,0 W
nach S3: 40 %
Number of sockets for additional components and numerous connection options such as:
max. 240 mm / sec. (DRIVE 600 pro+)
max. 210 mm / sec. (DRIVE 800 pro+)
up to zu 240 mm / sec. (DRIVE 600 pro+)
up to 210 mm / sec. (DRIVE 800 pro+)
600 Newton meters (DRIVE 600 pro+)
800 Newton meters (DRIVE 800 pro+)
Pre-programmed 4-command handheld transmitter that executes up to four programmed commands such as additional lighting or ventilation width (ventilation position) functions
Double the brightness with 6 LED lamps,
Connection option Lumi+
230V AC, control voltage 24V DC
Power consumption of energy
saving mode: < 1,0 W
nach S3: 40 %
Number of sockets for additional components and numerous connection options such as:
Locking magnet lock
Mechanical locking of the motor in every door position up to a force of 300 kg in order to improve burglary protection (only compatible with CarTeck Drive 600).
Senso humidity sensor
This sensor automatically records the temperature and air humidity in the garage. The door will open a bit automatically in order to prevent mould.
LED additional lighting: Lumi+
Additional LED lighting to be attached to the roof drive. The lighting can be regulated using the handheld transmitter.
The buzzer emits an acoustic signal and has numerous functions. It can be used as an alarm buzzer for break-in attempts, or as a warning buzzer during the closing processes or when the wicket door is open.
Park position laser
The laser helps drivers to park in the garage accurately via visual assistance, even without parking assistance.
The relay can be used to switch on additional light in the garage or yard.
Motion sensor
Via the passive infrared sensor, the motion sensor measures the thermal radiation in the garage. The drive lighting in the motor carriage is automatically activated when the garage is entered.
Emergency power supply battery
If the power goes out, the emergency power supply of the garage door drive will take over for approx. 5 door cycles.
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Pearl Twin 2-command handheld transmitter
Large, convenient buttons
Autorepeat function: automatically sends multiple telegrams one after the other
Hop function: Signal forwarding for increased reliability
High frequency learning to train the handheld transmitter without access to the learn
button of the drive
Range: approx. 50-140 m
Pearl 4-command handheld transmitter
Autorepeat function: automatically sends multiple telegrams one after the other
Hop function: Signal forwarding for increased reliability
High frequency learning to train the handheld transmitter without access to the
learn button of the drive
Range: approx. 50-140 m
Pearl Status 3-command handheld transmitter
Able to request door position
Tangible response of radio commands through vibration
Autorepeat function: automatically sends multiple telegrams one after the other
Hop function: Signal forwarding for increased reliability
High frequency learning to train the handheld transmitter without access to the
learn button of the drive
Range: approx. 60-150 m
Pearl Vibe 4-command handheld transmitter
Able to request door position
Tangible response of radio commands through vibration
Autorepeat function: automatically sends multiple telegrams one after the other
Hop function: Signal forwarding for increased reliability
High frequency learning to train the handheld transmitter without access to the
learn button of the drive
Range: approx. 60-150 m
Telecody+ 12-command handheld transmitter
Perfectly suited as a radio code keypad
Illuminated buttons
Pre-sets: 10 different access codes and 3 unencrypted buttons, e.g. for light
Weather-resistant (can be used inside and outside)
Radio transmitter confirms received commands, response is given via LEDs on transmitter
Hop function (range increase)
Incl. aluminium holder and attachment material
Range: approx. 50 m
SOMcom2 radio receiver (2-channel)
Easily convert external drives or change the radio frequency
Option to receive responses via handheld transmitter if the command
sent is processed by the receiver
Hop function (range increase)
Integrated antenna
Memory: 40 radio commands can be set
Socket for “Memo” memory upgrade (450 radio commands)
For use in dry, enclosed spaces
Control output: 2 potential-free relay contacts
Connection: 6-pin screw terminal
Dimensions: 190 x 40 x 32 mm
SOMplug radio receiver in socket housing (1-channel)
Potential-free relay output via 1.5 m long cable to connect to the button input of the drive
Easily convert external drives and change the radio frequency
Option to receive responses via handheld transmitter if the command sent was processed by the receiver
Hop function (range increase)
Integrated antenna
Memory: 112 radio commands can be set
For use in dry, enclosed spaces
Dimensions: 138 x 54 x 40 mm
SOMsocket radio receiver in socket housing
Radio receiver in socket housing which can be used to switch the plugged-in device
(e.g. lamps) on / off via radio technology
Able to request status via handheld transmitter (e.g. whether the connected device
is switched on or off)
Hop function (range increase)
Integrated antenna
Memory: 112 radio commands can be set
For use in dry, enclosed spaces
Dimensions: 138 x 54 x 40 mm
Concealed SOMtouch radio wall switch
2-Command radio wall switch
Battery-operated (no additional installation costs necessary)
Able to request door position / receiver status without movement
Response of radio commands via LED
Hop function (range increase)
Range: approx. 50 m
Dimensions: 80 x 85 x 14 mm
For use in dry, enclosed spaces
Exposed Wallstation interior wall switch
3-command interior wall switch (surface-mounted)
Switch lighting on and off
Disable radio transmitter, external buttons and ventilation function
Additional lock for up-and-over garage door lock
Additional lock to automatically lock/unlock doors with spring latch with wire rope, 2500 mm
Guide rollers for side locking / unlocking
Wire rope (5000 mm) with deadlock, fits additional lock
Roof holder
Clamping band side
Dimensions: 1500 x 30 x 2.5 mm (L x W x H)
Extension of roof attachment
The use of a roof attachment is required for direct installation on the drive
LS-BI photocells
Additional safety device to protect against personal injury and material damage
Required when using an automatic feed
Pearl handheld transmitter holder clip for visor
Suitable for all Pearl handheld transmitters
attached to the sun visor in the car
Pearl holder
Suitable for all Pearl handheld transmitters
For attachment in car or on the wall
Bowden cable for emergency release
For up-and-over garage doors
Cable 2300 mm / casing 550 mm
For example, for installing curved arm, elongated thrust rod or swing door fitting
TS exposed keypad for surface-mounted installation
With 2 button positions
To control 2 drive systems
Includes 10 metre cable
TS-UP keypad for flush-mounted installation
With 2 button positions
To control 2 drive systems
Includes 10 metre cable
Roof attachment
Includes attachment material
Max. distance to roof: 210 mm
Roof attachment set
For the use of angled profiles wider than 18 mm to be attached to the roof
Includes screws
Chain lever
Tool to quickly and easily shorten chains
Wicket door locking
With pre-assembled cable to connect to motor carriage
Fingerprint-System „ENTRAsys
Unmistakable access authorization thanks to biometric fingerprint recognition