To ensure the safety of the visitors Teckentrup delivered about 160 fire and smoke protection doors for the use between antarctic and rain forest. The doors must provide a fully functional escape route whatever the climate inside the room.
The idea behind the large project is a simulated journey around the world measured at eight degrees 34 minutes east. This is the longitude of Bremerhaven and all the other locations on the journey: Switzerland, Sardinia, the Sahel, the African rain forest, the Antarctic, Samoa, Alaska and the north
Frisian island of Langeness. Each destination has its own exhibition complex. This is where the specific climate can be experienced and flora and fauna observed.
What do the various climates on Earth actually feel like – from 38 degrees Celsius and 85 per cent humidity to a dry six degrees below zero? These extreme conditions also place great demands on the structural elements which have to guarantee optimum performance in each zone – in particular the doors, which are often subjected to different moisture and temperature conditions from each side.
One example is the fire-proof doors (Teckentrup, Verl): They lead from the sandy desert and the Arctic desert into “climate neutral” escape staircases.