650 doors installed in just 18 months. A sophisticated concept for an industrial plant with a highly complex infrastructure. Zellstoff Stendal GmbH in eastern Germany is Europe’s most advanced and largest pulp mill. At full capacity the mill can produce up to approx. 570,000 metric tons of high-quality pulp each year. This pulp is subsequently used to produce, e.g., printing and sanitary paper.
Occupying an approx. 1 million square metre site, 44 buildings with a highly complex infrastructure were constructed simultaneously. The entire door concept had to be individually adapted to various safety functions, extremely difficult installation situations and last minute alterations on-site. A particularly high level of flexibility, perfect teamwork, close cooperation with planners and developers and interdisciplinary tasks were necessary. Creative and fast action was demanded of Teckentrup, in particular during the design and production stages, in order to meet the familiar high quality demands in spite of the short delivery periods.
Approximately 600 doors, 40 roller shutters and 19 folding doors as well as sectional and sliding doors carry out various tasks in the complex infrastructure and support trouble-free operation. All the doors were individually adapted to each component according to the various installation and material situations, such as sand-lime brickwork, reinforced concrete or trapezoidal sheet metal.